Hello - Tansy here.
Today on the menu is Roast Pork and Vegies, Quice and Spag Bol; with Choc Moose for pudding.
It is the first day back from the holidays and luckily for me; so far we have four orders.
We have just come back from two weeks holiday and I am still tired. Over the holidays I went to the Melbourne International Comedy Festival; first for 5 days and then again this weekend just gone for one night. In total I saw 15 shows... and caught up with a few comedians and comedy buddies throughout the festival.
As part of ny course here at the Community Cafe; we are learning to work in a team. Team work is very inportant in any situation but specificlly a kitchen. Without team-work in a kitchen everything would fall apart. When working in a kitchen it is important to explain to the other people what is going on; verbal communication is vital. If you do not communicate things could get misheard, misunderstood or even fogotten about completely. To ensure meals get out on time, instructions are given clearly and productiveness comes out of the kitchen it is a good idea to re-tell what you heard and verify that what you did here was correct.
My comedy festival could not have happened if it wasn't for co-ordination, negotiation and teamwork. My friend and I arrived 2 days before our Tassie buddy joined us; we had figured out roughly what we were doing and what times we were meeting. However; with a storm and Jetstar being what is it - unpredictable, we had to update what would take place as times changed. Also once we hit the festival my friend and I looked at the guide and worked in some "extra" gigs that fitted in to our already "packed" line-up.